View Profile grimdarkai99

22 Audio Reviews

7 w/ Responses


Wow. Now I agree with your thing on your page:

You wanted the best? well here i am.

I can say nothing more.

e991e responds:

Epiiccccc hhaha glad you like it
Thanks for the review!


Hey, It's GD99, you said I should check out this peice. It's a very 'suspensful' peice. I agree with other people below me who have commented, it does sound like a Metal Gear Solid peice, or like an army game, or something like that. If you were aiming to get a 'suspenseful peice', then maybe you could add in a violin or viola riff, or have a bass grand piano playing semibreves on different chords. You could also try having a flute or wind instrument, as you are going for an orchestral peice. I can see how the song builds up, ever so gradually, but maybe it should go somewhere, into a main riff or somthing, then it dying down again, but gradually, so you can't tell that it is dying out. Something like that.
Anyways, what programs do you use? I use Sibelius software.
So anyway, love your music, and please try to get back to me!


DavidOrr responds:

Great suggestions, all noted!

I do have and regularly use Sibelius, but for most of the music here I use Cubase 4 along with a mixture of East West sounds (Symphonic Orchestra, Choirs, and Ministry of Rock).

Thanks for the review!


Fabulous song! Nice Work dude


good song! Nice one!


"December the first 2008 - England - Look to the Skies!! Venus is there! near the moon!" ~ Grimdarkai99 tips today

Ace! The guy below me sucks. He said;
"nah beeper is WAYYY better"
Read the title this is way to calm fo my tasts and there should have been more sounds
by: system-overload
date: August 18, 2006

1) He can't spell taste
2) There are enough sounds as there are - it's great!
3) That's just your opinion about it being to calm for your tastes (or should I say tasts, lol), it does not affect the quality of the music
4) After all that he gave it a 5/10! It's well worth more than that!
5) This is only your second submission after all

Rated 5/5 on this submission
Rated 10/10 on this submission
Current Score
3.68 / 5.00 (+ 0.68)
Overall summary of this submission ~ Nice!

Attribution: You must give credit to the artist.

Noncommercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes unless you make specific arrangements with the artist under another license.

Share Alike: If you alter, transform, or build upon this music, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one.

Check out my music, see what you think, Arturs Dzintars (Archanis)!

"December the first 2008 - England - Look to the Skies!! Venus is there! near the moon!" ~ Grimdarkai99 tips today


great loop.
Current Score
4.41 / 5.00 (+ 0.0044)




10/10 5/5 downloaded favourited. Can I use it in my flash?


Great can I use it in my flash?

flashash220 responds:

Sure I don't see why not
just remember to give me credit

5/5 10/10 downloaded. Can I use it for my flash?

5/5 10/10 downloaded. Can I use it for my flash?

Hi, I am Grimdarkai99, and I make music for Newgrounds, but I am also working on flash projects coming soon.

Jay G @grimdarkai99

Age 30, Male

That's for me to know not you


Joined on 4/12/08

Exp Points:
130 / 180
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.75 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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